We have provided a list of links that you may be interested in viewing. Taylor & Marshall Veterinary Surgeons is not responsible for the content of any external sites linked to from this website (or subsequently linked to from those sites). Every care is taken to try to maintain correct working links to external websites. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time, and we have no control over availability of the externally linked webpages or websites. Please let us know if you are having any problems view any of our links.

Taylor and Marshall


Pet Identification and Travel Links

Food, Supplement and Equipment Links

Animal Rescue and Information Links

Here are some insurance form links that we thought you may find useful. Taylor & Marshall Veterinary Surgeons is not endorsing or recommending any of the listed insurance companies. These are links to insurance companies that allow claim form access on the internet. If your insurance company is not present, this may be because you need to request a form directly from them.